Children who attend the adult outpatient department at Airedale Hospital now have a new play area to keep them amused while they wait.

The facility in the general outpatients department means that children coming to appointments with their parents or carers, or who have appointments themselves, now have something to take their minds off their visit.

Eileen Proud, chairman of the Friends of Airedale Hospital, said: “As the appointments in general outpatients are mainly for adults, this meant the waiting area was not very child-friendly and simply had magazines and a few children’s books.

“When staff asked us if we would be able to help by providing an area specifically for children, with books and toys, we were happy to oblige.”

After the equipment was delivered, the brightly-decorated play area took a couple of weeks to complete.

Brenda Emsley, senior sister in the outpatients department, said: “Keeping children amused while they wait means the hospital visit is less stressful for everyone.

“Whether the appointment is for a child or their parent or carer, having a safe, designated play area for children gives them something else to focus on and helps reduce anxieties about the hospital visit.”

The play area is just one of the ways the Friends of Airedale group has helped improve facilities at the hospital during the past 12 months.

The charity donated equipment worth more than £120,000 during 2011/12.

Other significant items donated last year included two mobile operating tables, nine syringe pumps for the anaesthetic department, a bladder scanner, a variety of wheelchairs, armchairs and reclining chairs, and specialist pressure reduction cushions for patients.