Due to heavy rainfall during the winter season, all of the attenuation lagoons and sewers have been filled. As a result, all of the rainwater has been directed to a small wooded area on Eppleworth Road called the Dene. This is a popular area where people go to walk their dogs, and children often come to play. In the middle of these woods, there is a large ditch that is currently filled with rainwater that has accumulated over the past 6 months.

Unfortunately, this has led to an increase in the number of rats in the area, which, as you can imagine, is not a pleasant sight. People are having to use rat traps to prevent them from nesting in their homes or causing damage to their properties.

But on a more positive note, this temporary lake has attracted ducks and ducklings. Currently, three duck families have been spotted, each with 4 to 12 ducklings. However, it is possible that more ducklings will arrive as we approach the spring and summer seasons.

Many people visit these ducks and feed them with oats, rice, birdseed, and even sliced grapes. Although, if you plan on visiting these birds, I would advise against bringing bread as it can be harmful to their stomachs and cause malnourishment.

If you are not comfortable with rats, I would suggest avoiding visiting these furry ducklings at night or in the early morning, as this is when the rats are most likely to be active and lurking about.