BRAMHOPE has a startling new feature… its very own volcano!

But before residents start fleeing for safety, it’s more of an eruption of colour than anything more dangerous.

The “volcano” is the work of Bramhope in Bloom, who have been refurbishing some of the raised beds on the Parade on Breary Lane.

In the words of Bramhope in Bloom chair Janet Hobson, the members’ thoughts “ran riot” about how best to display their star attraction for the beds — a 10-foot tall Trachycarpus plant.

The Trachycarpus is an Asian palm, commonly found from Tibet to China, and its wide-fanning leaves and thick trunk gave the group the inspiration for their explosive design.

They threw their all into adding to the imaginative display, with white agapanthus being planted to represent smoke fumes issuing from the volcano.

Red grass and salvia became flames around the volcano, and grey euphorbia and grass were planted to stand in for rocks.

Every volcano needs lava, of course, and grey slate (donated by Mones Quarry) was put to good use for that.

Not content with that, the group gave their volcano a coastal location, with lavender for the blue of the sea and white begonias for the foam on the waves.

“Yes, we really have an exotic flowering volcano!” said Janet.