LATEST planning applications to be lodged with Leeds City Council.

Cookridge: 4m single storey rear extension, 3.95m to ridge height and 2.60m to eaves. 128 Otley Old Road.

Guiseley: T1 Copper Beech - Remove. 8 Ashtofts Mount.

Guiseley: T1, T2, T2 and T4 - Urgent application for removal of 4 Alder Trees that are infested with 1000s of Alder Tree Beetle. The larvae has already devastated one Alder Tree and is now on the other 3 trees. By way of notification we have in 2022 planted 3 further trees to the front of the property so are committed to the healthy landscape in our area. Wedgewood Thorpe Lane.

Headingley: Change of use of domestic garage to studio. 9 Shaw Lane.

Headingley: Loft conversion and raising roof height; Dormer to the rear. 30 Woodland Park Road.

Horsforth: Demolition of existing conservatory; construction of single storey extension to rear; first floor side extension - non material amendment to 23/02817/FU - Changes proposed to the approved single storey rear extension - projection of the rear extension to be reduced and roof design changed from flat to pitched. 246 West End Lane.

Horsforth: Alterations including conversion of garage to habitable space, incorporating new pitched roof to front. 152 Hall Lane.

Otley: Demolition of single storey building to the rear of the WRVS Old Council Offices in a conservation area. WRVS Old Council Offices North Parade.

Otley: Two storey side extension with carport to ground floor. 78 Cambridge Drive.

Otley: Raising roof height forming a new first floor with balustrade balconies to rear; single storey rear extension and new pitched roof to ground floor front. 178 Bradford Road.

Pool in Wharfedale: T1 Hawthorn - remove as the tree is sitting on the water main coming in to the field and we need to replace the leaking lead pipe. Looking to replant further back in the copse. Fair Mead Farm, Pool Bank, New Road.

Rawdon: Alterations including demolition of existing conservatory and store; single storey rear extension with rooflight; new front facade including glazed entrance; conversion of garage to habitable room with addition of rooflights; French windows with Juliet balcony at first floor to rear; new windows, cladding and concrete tiles throughout. Emmott House 33 Larkfield Road.

Rodley: T1 and T2 Corkscrew Willow - To remove to ground level Reason: outgrown situation and too big for small garden space. 10 Chapel Street.

Yeadon: Single storey side/rear extension with rooflights. 13 Sunnybank Court.