A SENIOR opposition councillor has welcomed a council decision not to proceed with introducing parking charges at Leeds parks.

Councillor Trish Smith (Conservative Group Shadow Spokesperson for Parks and Countryside) said she was pleased the council had listened to feedback and “done a U-turn” on the controversial proposal, which was due to be consulted on in advance of the city’s budget being set next month.

Cllr Smith said there had been a backlash against the plans, including from opposition councillors speaking at the full council meeting last week, and said it was the right decision for the city not to go ahead with the scheme.

Councillor Trish Smith (Shadow Spokesperson for Parks and Countryside) said: “This is the right decision for the city and for all our residents, whose health and wellbeing must always come first. I’m pleased the Council has listened to feedback and opted to not move ahead with what were, frankly, very short-sighted proposals.

“Charging for parking at major parks and community parks could have impacted visitor numbers and displaced parking onto nearby residential streets. I also think the scheme would have struggled to raise the amount of money envisioned. As opposition councillors we spoke out against the plans at the Full Council meeting last week, and many residents have been getting in touch with us to voice their objections. It’s therefore good news that the Council has listened and done a U-turn on the proposals.

“We recognise that these plans were proposed in the context of financial pressures. But our parks and greenspaces are a vital part of the city and so many people rely on them for exercise, leisure and relaxation. We must not risk these huge health and wellbeing benefits in pursuit of savings that can and should be found elsewhere, and I’m glad the scheme will now not proceed.”

As part of its initial budget proposals, the Council was giving consideration to the possible introduction of parking charges at its major parks along with some community parks. In a press statement issued on January 26, 2023, the Council said: “After gauging public opinion and taking feedback into account, the council has now taken the decision not to proceed with consultation on this proposal for its 2023/24 budget.”