A NEW team is needed to take over the organisation of the Chevin Cross and the Otley town centre cross.

The Chevin Cross is raised two weeks before Easter Sunday and taken down two weeks after. It has been a feature on the Chevin for most years since 1963 and is much loved by the people of Otley and surrounding areas.

There is also a cross which is placed in the market square in Otley.

A spokesperson for Otley Churches Together said: "At present there is a core team of three/four people who organise and guide the process. This team will be retiring in 2023 and would like to pass on their skills and experience to a new core team this year. Without this team it will not be possible to raise either cross in 2024 and following years.

"There are always many volunteers to help both raise and take down the Chevin Cross, and this help is gratefully received, but the organising team hold the process together. If you would like to join the core team or would like further details, please contact Howard Chaplin at howard.chaplin@sky.com or Raoul Guise at raoul@guise.plus.com"