From: Miss Anne Balchin, Otley

Your report (The Wharfedale Observer January 12th, 2023) that the proposed system of charges for the use of carparks at some of Leeds City Council’s green spaces is likely to be cashless, with drivers asked to pay through a phone app.

Before such a system is introduced, may I ask the Council to consider

1. How many residents do not have a mobile phone (still quite a few in the older age bracket I guess)

2. How many residents make only limited use of their mobile phones, may not know how to download an app and do not use their phones for financial purposes in any event (quite a few more in my experience)

3. Whether it is possible to obtain a decent signal at all times from all mobile networks at all the relevant locations (I can’t even get a usable signal in my own home!)

And hence

4. Whether the principle of social inclusion requires the system to include the option of paying cash.