From Otley 2030

Otley 2030 is writing to formally oppose the current proposal regarding the introduction of parking charges at Otley Chevin specifically, but also across all the council greenspace sites. We acknowledge and appreciate the extreme financial pressure that Leeds City Council finds itself under, but feel strongly that access to local greenspace should be as inclusive as possible:

• Access to green space is essential, and has been proven to be so, especially since the pandemic, and we should not at this time be introducing any barriers to connection with our natural environment. Parts of Otley are already underprovided with accessible green space and charges will only exacerbate this problem.

• Payments should be requested on a ‘pay as you can’ basis so that nobody is barred from accessing these spaces and LCC resources are not taken up with enforcement. The proposed ‘cash-less’ system will cause further accessibility issues.

• Funds raised from any charges should be ring-fenced for car park upgrades and better public transport access to sites. The community should receive communications around this and understand where their money is going!

• Yorkshire Water has introduced parking charges at the reservoirs in the Washburn Valley, already restricting access to key local greenspaces.

• Decent public transport should be made available to popular green spaces, such as the Chevin, as an alternative to private vehicles. There is currently no way for Otley residents to access the Chevin on public transport and the steep incline and uneven paths make it impossible for many residents to get there on foot.

• Bicycle parking facilities should be introduced, or existing provision upgraded using the funds raised from a ‘pay as you can’ parking scheme

• There is also a serious road safety issue at the Chevin, with people already parking dangerously on East Chevin Road. This cannot be ignored and will only get worse should mandatory charges be implemented.

Otley 2030 would be happy to work with Otley Town Council and Leeds City Council on a plan to improve public transport, active travel and parking facilities in a way that will benefit the whole community.

There is an online petition residents can sign (not organised by Otley 2030) protesting against the parking charges.