Ilkley Grammar School * indicates grade A ** indicates grade A* W Abramson ch, ma**, fm*, ph; D Ahmed bi, py, pe; G Allan bi, py, pe; W Atkins bu, gy, py S Atkinson bi, ch, gt, py; L Barnes ad**, ma*, ph; G Barningham ad, en, so*; A Basey bi, ec, hi*; R Bell gy, py, so*; R Bergin gy, py**, rs, P Bibby bu, py, so; A Bishop bu, ec, so; B Bonnington el, gt, py; E Booton ec, el**, hi** S Brear el*, py*, rs*; E Broadley bi, gy, gp; E Brown bi, ch*, ph; J Buckley bi**, ch*, ma*; S Burke gy, it, py; J Burn fr*, hi, sp; M Burnett bi*, ch*, ma**; S Butterfield bu, ec, gp; R Carruthers pd, ma*, ph; T Cassani ad, ts, ms; E Caton ad*, el**, rs**; C Cavaliere bi, en, it; S Chamberlain bi, gp, py; T Connell gt**, hi**, ma*, rs**; N Corless bi, ch, pe; D Costigan ec, gt, hi, it; T Cove ch, ec, ph; J Cowley ch, ma, ph; L Cowling bi, ma, ph; J Crane ch, hi*, py; A Creedon bi**, ch*, py*; G Cundell el, hi, rs; T Day fr**, hi*, ma**; L Deakin en, py, so; A Degg bi, ch, gt, rs; C Dinsdale py, rs, so; J Doherty ch, ma, py; G Donnison Layton ec, ma, gp*; H Dowlen ec, en, gp*; E Drew ec, hi, ma; J Driver bi, ec, py; G Dunne el, py, rs; B Duxbury bi, py, so**; J Duxbury gy, so, pe; A Edwards bi, ch, py; M Edwards ec, ma*, ph; L Elliott el, hi, py; L Ellis ts*, py, so; H Fitt bi, ch, ph; D Fletcher py, so, pe; C Forder bi, ch*, ma; M Forrest bi*, ch, gy; J Hargraves ad, hi, py; E Hargreaves bi*, ch, gy; M Harper bi, ch, ph; G Hatton bu, gy, so; M Haynes bi*, ch*, ma*; R Hesmondhalgh ts*, en, hi; M Heycock bi**, ch*, ma*; J Hill bi*, ch**, ma**; J Holmes el, gt, hi, py; S Holmes bi, ch, ma; E Horn ec, hi*, ma*; R Hubbard bu*, en, py; L Hughes ts**, en, so; L Johansson el, py, so*; E Johnson ad, it**, ma*; E Johnson it**, py, rs; L Kenna py*, rs*, sp*; A King ec, ms, py; L Kitchen fr*, gy*, sp**; P Kyriakides bi, ec, ma*; S Latta bi, ch*, py*; M Lee bi, ch, ma; B Leedham ad**, it, ma; W Lennard bi, gy, ms; B Loach bi*, ch**, ma; A Luxton el**, gt**, hi**, py*; M Mann ec, ma*, fm; C Maslen ch*, ma*, ph; J McCaul bi, ch, ph; V McPhail hi, py, so*; J Miller en, gt, mu, so; K Milligan ad, gy, py; A Moorehouse en, mu*, py*; G Morgan ec, gy*, ma; M Newsome gy*, ma*, ph; E Norman ec, gt, ma, gp*; D O'Connor bu, py, so; C Oddy bi**, ch**, ph*; M Oddy bi*, ch, ts, gy*; A Oliver bu, en, gt, py; C O'Neill el, py, so*; J Padgett bi*, ch*, ma*; J Partovi pd, ma, ph; G Petty bu, py, so*; E Pinfield ec*, fr*, gt, gy*; G Pittendreigh gy, py, so; S Portwood bi, ma, ph; T Pratt bi, ch, ec; L Prince el, py, so*; M Prosser bi*, ch*, ma*; A Pryke bi*, ch, ma; H Pulford bi**, ch**, ma**; C Richardson gy*, py, pe; K Roebuck ec**, gy**, ma**, ph*; H Rooney ch, gy, ma; S Rowley bi*, ch, gy*; S Rudd gy, ma*, py*; L Scarlett bi, ch, py; V Scott bi, gt, gy, py; R Sharpe bi*, ch*, ma*; J Shergill ma, py, so; L Simpson fr**, ma*, mu; A Smith hi, gp, py; B Smith ch, en, hi; R Smith en, py, so; C Smitheringale bu, en, gt, gy; E Spears ch, hi, py*; H Speight gp, py, so*; C Spence gy*, ma*, ph*; L Spencer ch, ma, py; A Sugden bu, ec, ma; A Sury el, hi, py; F Sykes en, hi, so; O Sykes en, hi, so; B Thorp bi*, ch*, ma*; C Tomlinson gy, gp, pe; K Tomlinson ec, gt**, hi*, gp*; F Trouille bi, ch, fr*, sp; A Twelves ch*, ma**, fm*, ph**; B Ullock bi, ch, gt, hi; D Vaughan el, gt, gp, sp; S Walley ch*, hi**, rs*; J Wandless el, it, gp; J Watkinson ch, it, ma; L Watson el*, hi*, py*; R Whitehead bi, ch, py; R Whitham bu, el, gt, gp; F Wood gy, ma, ph; A Woodhouse bi, pd, ec; N Woodhouse bi, ch, ma**, ph; Prince Henry’s Grammar School, Otley M Ali rs, ea, sc: A Armitage hi, pe: Ro Armitage hi, rs, ea: Ry Armitage ab, sc: S Arthurs ar, tr: D Arundel hi, buec, gn: A Ashraf ar, it: M Ashraf ar, it: R Atkinson ma*, ch*, bi*: M Aylward ma, hi, ar*: E Barker ar*, pe: B Barlow ch, hi, bi*: J Barnard gy, ab*: C Barratt hi, gp, fr: R Benn-Landale ma, gy, bi: K Beresford ar,: J Biggins gy, hi, gp: J Bona py, ab, it: A Brady dr, ea, ab*, tr: D Britteon ma, hi, ar*: J Bullock gy, rs, tr: J Burridge pd, pe: G Buxey me, ea, mu tech: L Cairns rs, ea: S Care pe, ea, ab*: A Charlton ma*, ch**, bi*: M Chavasse ma*, hi*, gn*: S Chida gy**, rs*, el: A Conway ma, py, el: N Coope ma, ph, pd: F Cooper ch,: Ha Cooper hi, tx, ab: Ho Cooper hi, dr, el: H Copcutt buec, py, me: O Coulter-Duckett ch*, buec*, ph*: H Crabtree hl, ea, sc: R Cross buec, ar*, pd: N Davey hl, it: M Davies hi, gp*, fr: A Divers fi, ea**, el: G Drake ab, it: M Dudman bi, pe*: C Duncan ar,: L Duncum su(2),: D Dunn bi, pe: S Dunn hi, gp, ph: R Dyer ar*, me: T Eaves buec, gn, it: K Edmonds ab,: K Ellis ar, ph, ea, el: E Ewing ma, hi, el*: S Fawcett fi, ea, it: B Firth ar,: L Foster hl, ar*, rs: S Gatewood ms, ab: T Gill hl, ea, sc: A Ginbey ma, ch*, ph: D Grange su(2),: T Gray hi, ab: A Hanlon ma*, ch*, ph*: E Hargreaves dr, buec, ea: B Hayton ma, ch, gy: P Hill hi, buec, ea: A Hodge hi, gp, el: E Hooper hi, gp, el: G Hudson ar*, py**, me*: O Hudson hi, ar*, el: R Hughes ma, rs, ph: M Humphries ms, rs: D Jackson ms, ea: H James hl, py, rs: L Johnson gy, hi, rs: L Johnston py, sc: E Judd hl, ar*, py: A Kale ma**, ch**, bi**: M Khalil ch, buec, bi: L Kinnear ab, su(2): A Kirwan ma*, ch, ph*: L Kirwin ea, ab: M Knowland ms, ar, tr: A Lessani dr, fi, el: C Locke ab, sc: G Longfield tx, me, ea: N Lowry hi, fr, el: A Lucas hl, ea, tr: K Luu ms, ar: A Martin Catalan sp*,: A Martinez Jimenez sp*,: J Miles ar*, tx, el: C Milner gy**, ar*, el*: W Mitchell ar*, bi, fr: P Moore ms, ab: R Munro buec, gp, fr: E Newton ar*, tx*, el: K North buec, ar, it: G O'Halloran ma*, fm, gn*: A O'Sullivan hi, gp, el: R Othick hi, py, ab*: L Payne hl, ar, tr: D Plaxton gy, fi, pd: E Preston hi, ar*, bi: A Pullan buec*, gp, ph: A Rawlings ms, fi, rs: R Rekis su(2),: D Rex ma**, fm, ph: J Reynard ma, ch**, ph*: J Richardson me, ab: S Richardson fi*, ea, it: Cha Robinson dr, fi, ea: Chl Robinson dr, buec, ea: E Rockett hl, ar*: J Rockliff ma**, fm**, ch**, ph**: E Rosser ma**, fm, gp*, ph*: J Rushworth rs, fr, tr: O Schea it,: S Simmonds gy, pd, it: T Sloman hi, gp*, ea*: M Smith hl, el: B Steer hi, fi: L Stelfox gy, gp: B Stevens hi, tx, el: P Stewart ma*, ch*, ph**: L Stocker ch, gy*, gn: R Surr hl, rs, it: J Tasker ma*, ch, ph: L Taylor ma, buec*, ph*: R Thomas hi, ar*, gn: R Till ea, el, ab: C Tschanschek hi, ar*, ph: R Vickers hi*, dr**, gp*, el: A Wade hi, ab*: A Walker gp, me, ea: S Walker ma, ph, gn: J Walters su(2),: Z Warden ms, ar: L Warren hi, ar*, ph: J White hi, hl, el: T Wilkinson hi, el, ab: N Williams buec, py, sc: C Wilson hi, py, ea: N Womersley gp, py, rs: M Yang hi, buec**, el.

Horsforth School M Airey el, gy, pg; R Akhondi ch, hi*, sp; R Al-Shalechy bi, ch, ma, ac; D Andrews bu, it, me; M Andrews it*, ma, rs; L Barker ch*, him, ma; C Barr bi, hi, ma; K Blackburn ch, el*, hi; S Blayney en, it*, rs; E Boden ch, hi*, ma; K Bradford gy, ma, ph; J Bream ec, ph; E Brigg bi, ch, rs; W buck ch, ma, pe; G Butler bu, hi, it*; C Carlisle el, it*, me; F Chappell el*, fr, tx, ar*; E Clarke gl*, ph, py; N Cook bi, ch, ma; B Cowgill ch, it*, rs; NCowie ch, ma, rs; J Cross gy*, rs*, sp; B Cummins ar, el, rs; R Dennison sbu, it*, me; J Doidge en, it*, rs; O Dykes it*m, ma, py; A Edser ch, ma*, ph; RT Elliot dr, en, hi; D Faithwaite en, it*m, me; K Ferdaush it*, ma, be; C Fletcher dr, el, rs; D Fletcher bi*, ch*, ec*; D Fogden ma**, fm*, mu; J Garford en, me, py; B Gresty ch, ma, rs; J Hancox it*, me, rs; L Hardill bu, me; R Harding rs, tx, art; D Harris gl, ma, ph; N Harte hl, it*, rs; M Haslaqm gy**m, gl*, hi*; A Heckjingbottom en, hi, rs; G Hepworth as, gl, it*; A HOban it*, ma, py; V Hoban el, hi; B Holdswoth gy, gl, rs; B Howard bi, ch, it*; J Howard dr, dt, it*; S Howden it*, pg; B Hutchinson hl, hi, it*, rs; M Jassam bi**, ch*, hi; C Jessop bu, me, rs; H Kealey bi*, sp, tx, ar**; A Kenvyn gl, rs; B Laslett gl*, it*; S Lau el**, gy, hi**; J Lawrence ch, ec, ma; T Leonard bu, hl, it*; C Liversedge bu, it; L Lloyd bi**, py, sp*; H Makin el**, hi, py; J Mallinson bi, ch, hi; C Marsden it*, rs; W Martruindale bu, hi, it; T Martyn ar, en*, me; V Mather gy, rs; T McCartney bi*, ec*, ma*; L McClellan el, hl; H McDermott bi, ch, dr; A Metcalf bi*, ch*, ph*; L Metcalfe bi, ch, hi; E Morgan it*, pe, rs; M Morrish gy, gl*, mu; A Morton-Delaney ar**, el, gy*; A Newby-Wright bi*, ch**, ma*; M Neilson ch, ec, ma; O Neilson bu, it, me; M Parker en*, gn, sp*; Payne hi, it*, rs; R Perkins ar, pg*, py; M Pickering dr, hi, rs; D Ramsden ar, me, py; O Reed pg, rs; H Rhodes hl, rs; HRhodes hl, rs; H Robb hl, rs; T Roberts ch*, ec**, hi**, ma*; K Roddick ch, gy*, rs; B Rowley hi, me; S Said bi, ch, gy*; J Saxon en*, hi*, rs; M Scott ma, rs; J Sibbitt bi, mu, rs; L Simms ch, fr, hi**; B Smith it*, rs; K Smith el, rs; D Smithson ar, it; R Sparkes dr, hi; H Stead as, it*, rs; A Sutcliffe bi*, ch, hi**; M Sutton bu, hi*, ma*; S Thompson bi, ch, gl*; C Thornton nl, rs; L Townson it*, py; D Wade bi, ch, it*; O Wade rs; H Walton it*, rs; A Wetherill ma, ph, rs*; A Wood it*, rs; E Woolfson en*, el**, hi**; M Wootton ma*, fm, ph; H Wray bu, hi, rs; S Wright hi**, ma**, sp**.

St Mary’s School, Menston D Adams pd, gt, su(2)*; E Albrow ad*, gt, mu, rs; H Armitage bi, fr, gt, gy; D Bane it, ec, gt*, gy; G Barber ec, gy, hi; O Bendjelloul ch*, gy**, ma*; R Bevan el*, gt, hi*, rs*; R Boardman bi, ch, gt, py; T Bourke dr, el, gt, hi*; J Brennan bi; S Brennan bi*, gt, ma, rs*; L Brigg dr, hi, mu; O Button ea, gt, gy, pe; L Callaghan ec, fr, gt, ma; H Charles ea, gt, gy*, py; A Cockroft ch, gt, gn, hi; J Collin bi, gy, ph; N Connor ec, gt, gn, hi*; S Corkett-Beirne ea**, gt, gy, hi; L Cousins ch, ec, hl, ma; M Cunningham ea and lit, hl, py; K Devine ea, gt, gp; C Doherty bi, ch, ma; A Donnelly bi**, ch*, gt*, gy**, ma**; J Doonan gt, rs, su(2)**; T Dykes ch*, ma**, fm, ph; E Elcock ch, ma*, ph; R Ellul dr*, el**, gy*, hi; K Falgate ad, ea, el; O Fearon it, pd, hl; I Field bi, gt, ma; R Finn ea and lit**, gt, hl, py*; W Fitton gt, gp, su(2); M Forde it, ec, gt, gp; C Fraser bi, el, rs; D Galloway gt, hi, ma, sci; J Gaskin gy*, gn, ma; M Gaunt ea, gt, hi, gp; E Gibbons bi**, ch*, el*; R Gill gt, hl, su(2)**; B Glennon gt*, gy**, hi*, ma*; S Glover bi, ea, gt, hi; O Goddard ea and lit, fr; S Goddard pd; C Graham bi*, ch*, gt, ma*; T Grant ma**, fm*, ph; B Griggs ec, gt; D Gustafson dr, ea, rs; M Haluszczak gt, gy, ma*, ph; P Hands ec, gt, gy, gp; B Hanlon el, gt, gy, rs**; O Hanlon bi, pd, gt, gy; C Hanstock pd*, gt, ma*, rs*; R Houston gt, gp, py, rs; N Hudson gy, hi, rs; S Hunter bi*, ch*, fr*, gt, ma; B Hutchinson ch, gt, ma*, fm, ph; R Iliff bi, dr*, el, gt; Z Inman bi, el, gt, pe; A Jennings ch, ma*, fm, ph*; A Jerrison gy, pe; D Jocelyn bi, ch, ec; N Johnson bi, gt, ph, py; N Johnston bi*, ch, ec*, gt*; L Kearns ea, el, gt, hi; R Kelly hl; O Klejnow ch*, pd, ec, gt, maths*; T Koenig ch, ma*, rs*; B Labbett ea and lit, gt, py, rs; S Lawn dr, py, pe; D Le Roux pd, su(2); N Lee gy, sci, su(2)*; J Lewandowski rs, su(2); J Lines pd, su(2); G Lowe ec, gt, gy; J Lydon bi, ch, ma*; J Matthews gt, hi, ma, gp; M McGilvray dr, ea and lit, gt, rs; D McMurray gy; N Meachin ma, py, pe; G Mifsud gt, gy, hi; C Miller ad, mu, su(2); J Miller ma*, fm*, ph; B Mills ad, ea, py; K Moodley gt, gy, gp, rs; A Morgan ch, ma*, ph; L Morris bi, gt, hi, rs*; L Mulholland gt, gy, hi, ma; J Mulkerrin ea and lit, hl, hi; J Narey el, ma, ph; K Newbury bi, ch, gt*, gy*; A Newsome ea and lit, gt, py, rs; C O'Byrne bi*, ch*, ma*; T O'Byrne bi, ea, gt, gn; F Oldridge dr, hl, sci; R O'Shea bi, ch, gy; C O'Sullivan dr, ea, py; L Oxtoby hi*, py**, rs; R Peacock bi, gt, ma*, ph; K Penders bi**, ch, gt, hi*; I Pickles bi**, ch*, ma*, ph*; E Pounder ea, el, fr, gt; M Pritchard ad, ea, py; H Rhodes pd, ec, gt, gy; P Ribchester bi, gn, ma; C Richardson ad, ea and lit, hi; O Robinson ea, gt, hi, py*; M Sammon ea, hl, sci; E Scanlon bi, ch, ma, ph; J Sewell ad; G Shepheard it, ea**, el**, gt; V Shirley ad, it, py; S Slater hl, rs, sci; D Smith ea, gt, gy, gn; E Spofford bi**, gt, hi*, ma; J Sutherland bi, ch, mu; H Sweeney ch*, ma**, ph; D Sykes gy, hi, py; J Taylor it, gt, ma, py; M Tetley ad; H Thorpe ec*, gt*, gy*, hi; M Venn-Wycherley el*, fr, hi; L Wakefield bi, pd, ma*; N Walsh gt, hi; L Ward ec, gt, hi, gp; E White gt, py, su(2)*; L Whiteley dr, ea and lit, mu; E Williams ad, dr.

Benton Park School, Rawdon N Afful en, hl; G Barker hl, rs; J Barrans bu, ts, bu, gt, hi; H Baylis bu, en, ms; B Beaumont ec, el, gt, hi; G Beaumont ad*, en, hi; A Bedford py, rs, as; C Berriff ts, en, gy; K Beverley en, gt, hl; C Booth it, en, hi, py; T Brabiner fi, ms, mu; A Branston ec, bu, gt, ma*, pe; T Bromley bi, gt, ms, py; I Brown en, gt, hi, ms; M Burrows bu, it, gt, ms; A Burton en, fr, mu*; V Carbutt bi, ch, gt, ma; S Carr en, fr, gt, hi; A Chan bi, ch, ma, cn; B Coburn bi, en, gt, py; J Copley ad, pg*, py; B Cowley bu, ms, mu; G Cox bu, gt, gy, pe; B Deas en, fr, gy; H Dickinson el, gt, mu*, py, dr; L Dobson el, gt, hi, py; V Dordik bu, ec, gt, ms; K Driver ad, pg, ms; D Egan ec, gt, ma*, fm, ph; H Evans ec, en, gt, hi; W Exley pg, dt, gt, mu; A Fawcett bu, en, gt, py; N Fry bu, gt, ma, pe; K Garnett en, gt, py, dr; J Gaythorpe ad, pg, ms; T Germaine en, gt, ms, dr; E Grant pg, el, bu, gt, py; M Greaves bi, it, gt, ph; A Griffiths en, mu*, rs; S Haig it, dt, ph; S Haigh ts, en, gt, py; B Hare-Senior bu, gt, py, rs; M Hare-Senior gt, hl, rs; H Hargreaves bi, el, gt, mu*, py; M Heavisides en, gt, hl; A Hildyard dt, gt, ma, ph; L Hinckley en, gt, hi, sp*, ; S Horne bu, en, bu; S Horsfield bi, ch, gt, py; D Horsman ch, gt, ma, ph; E Hulbert bi, gt, gy, pe; Z Hussain en, bu; L Indriks bu, en, gt, gy; R James el, gt, hi*, mu*, py, ; R Jeffery gt, hl*, as; K Jones en, gt, gy, py; L Jones gt, gy, py, pe; K Jowett bi*, ch, gt, sp; C Judd bu, gt, py, rs; G Keen bu, ts, as; C Keogan el, fr, gt*, py; G Kravcenko ad, ms; R Latz gt, hl, rs; S Lee en, gt, hi, rs, ; E Lowe ts, el, hi; S Lynsdale pg, el, gt, ms; S Mackey gt, hi, py, rs*; A Mahmood bi, it, ec; H Mawson ad, en, gt, sp; J Mccrum ch, gt, gy, ph; C Mcgowan bu*, it, ec*, gt, hi; J Metcalf-Jackson ch, el, mu*; S Moore bi, ch, ph; A Morris pg, gt, hl; G Myers bu, gt, pe; A Nixon bi*, ch*, gt, ma, sp*; L Nuttall fi, ms, mu, ; D O'Neill gt, as, pe; L Osborne en, fi, mu*; W Paul bu, gt, py, pe; C Poveda-Sharman en, hl*; J Pressdee it, fi, ms; B Procter bu, gt, ms; J Pugh en, fr, gt, hi; J Rodwell gt, hl*, as; T Sangha ec, en, gt, py; S Saville bu; M Sawaiz en, hl; A Saynor en, mu, rs; C Schofield gt, mu*, py, pe; A Shelley-Edrich el, fi, gy; J Sibson ch, ma, fm, mu*; J Simpson ad, pg, bu; A Smalley bi*, ch, gt*, sp; C Smith en, bu, ms; A Soulsby bu, en, gt, rs; J Stevenson en, fi, dr; E Tahir en, gt, gy, ma; D Teale en, gt, ma, ph; S Teasdale dt, en, gt, gy; A Toomsalu en, fr, gt, py; R Toulson bu, en, gt, pe; H Townsend en, mu*, sp; A Townsley ec, el, gt, hi; W Turner bu, fi, ms; D Tyne bu, gt, gy; D Walker it, en, gt, ma*, fm; K Walsh en, ms, pe; R Wan ch, gt, ma*, fm, ph; N Warnes en, gt, hi, ms; L Watson ch, gt, gy, ph; A Wedderburn bu, dt, el; B Wilkinson-Turnbull bi, ch, en*, gt, hi*; G Williams it, en, gt, gy, hi; D Winder el, gt, gy, hi; E Wood bi, ch, py; N Wrigglesworth ad, bu, mu; C Yip en, gt, gy, py; H Young el, gt, gy, hi.

Guiseley School H Ahmed IT6, py; M Assi bi*, ch*, ma*; J Augusto Dos Santos buec, IT6, ma; T Barber ch, ma, ph; H Breacroft ea, hi, IT6 ; H Birch bi, ma, su ; A Bottomley buec, py, su ; R Brannan fr*, gy*, hi ; H Brown bi, ea, py** ; S Carey el, hi, mus**, pl ; A Chadwick-Shaw ch, py*, so ; J Cheetham gy, IT6**, ma, sc; B Cheng bi, ch*, ma ; A Chippendale hi, py, su ; J Clubb ea, el, hi ; Z Coates fa*, gy, ma ; A Cole dr, el, IT6**, mu**;N Cook buec, hi, su ; J Coppola ma, ph ; D Coulton,bi, mu**, py, su; C Crossland pg, buec,ch; A Dandy ab, ea, IT6**; E Denton el, ph, py; D Dickens ab, ea, IT6**; G Dolan bi, gn, hi; G Donnelly ea**, el*, py**; G Dooley ch*, ma**, ph* ; K Douthwaite bi, py**, HC6* ; C Duggan buec, hi, ma; J Dunn ct, el, ma; S Eades-Jones ea*, el*, fr*; exp* R Eastwood fs, dr, HC6**; K Fawcett ma, py*,HC6**; M Fearon bi, ch, gn ; E Ferris ch, fm*, gy*, ma*, ph*; T Firth des tech, ma*, ph; C Fisher bi*, ea, su*; I Fisher el, hi, py; J Fox IT6, mu**, sc; T Fozzard bi, ea, ma; P Giles bi, ch, ma ; C Gill gy, IT6; A Graham ea*, pl*, hi**; O Haigh ea, el, ma, mu*; J Halliday py, su; T Harding el*, ma, py*; J Higginbottom bi, ma, ph; D Hirstbuec, IT6; D Houghton bi, ch*, py*; A Hubbard bi, el*, py*; G Huffen fr*, gy*, hi**, ma**, exp*; G Hurford buec*, ch, hi*; H Iles pg*, ea*, el*, gy*; L Illingworth el*, fa**, gy, hi*; F Ip ma**, fm, ph; J Johnson buec, mu*, su; H Kaur bi*, ea*, hi*; L Kirkbright bi, el, hi*; H Lawson pg, el, fa; A Lee dr*, ea, mu**; B Lyden hi, ma, mu**; R Macfarlane bi, fs, su*; S Marshall el, fr, py; J Mattox py, su; J McVeagh pg**, dr, ma,; A Munir bi, buec, IT6*; A Nicholson gy, IT6**, sc; E O’Donnell dr, el, mu**; C Park ea, el, hi,; D Park ea, gy,IT6**; S Pearce fa, ma*, sc ; J Phillips pg, dr, el, mu**; E Pickersgill bi**, ch**, ma**, ph**; G Purnell el*, gy*, hi*, ma; M Pye gy**, hi, IT6* ; B Rebecchi buec, ma*, ph; D Reeve ea, buec, hi,; E Reynolds pl, py, sc ; G Robertson ea*, el*, hi*, exp; A Rostron dt, ph, sc; J Sampson ch, ma*, ph; R Sandham ea, py; G Shields gy, hi, IT6*, ma ; R Smith bi, ma, py; D Spargo fa*, gy, hi; R Spargo el, fa, gs; H Stocks bi**, ch**, gn*; A Swinton bi**, ch* ,ph* ; B Swinton bi*, ch*, ph; R Tate buec, fr*, ma ; S Tate ch, ea, ma; J Tattersall fm, fr*, ma**, ph* ; E Taylor ab, dt, IT6** ; B Tealegy, IT6**, mu**; H Thornton ea*, el hi; S Thornton ea, hi, ma ; K Tucny ea, fr, ma ; J Verity dt, fa,ma; H Wade ma, py, su; S Waite fs ,py,so; A Western buec, ea*, py; S Whitham ea, el, hi; J Wild buec, hi, ma ; E Wilkinson dr*, ea*, hi; C Woffenden bi, IT6**,py; S Wood buec*, el*, hi*.

Bradford Girls’ Grammar School Z Ahmed el*, gt, hi, py; A Ali bi, ch, rs**; B Ali la, fr*, hi*; B Allsop bi, el, hi; L Bahadur bi, ch, fr; A Bashir la, bi*, ch; E Bavington fm*, hi*, ma*; C Blakeley fm, ph, ma**; S Brooke el**, fr*, gp*; R Cherry ar**, bi, gy*; S Choudhry ea*, gt, rs**, gp; J Coles bi, ch, ph; M Docrat bi*, ch*, ma**; M Furqan bi, ch, gt, rs**; A Hussain-Qureshi bi, ch, el*; Z Hussain bi, ch, gt, rs**; S Iqbal ar**, bi, ch; N Jamshad ar*, bi, ch; M Khaliq la*, bi*, ch*; H Kishver ar, gt, rs; J Kok bi**, ch*, el**, gt**; A Kullar bi*, ch*, pe; R Kumbhani fm*, ch*, ma**; P Madhas bi**, ch*, ma*; P Patel fm*, sp, ma*; S Patel bi, ch, gt, ma; A Shurtleff bi, ch, I Smith bi**, ch*, fr*; E Sokoll fm, ch*, gn**, ph*, ma**; V Sutcliffe ar**, rs*, pe*; O Udugbezi ch**, ph**, ma**; A Wild gk, la, gm.

Skipton Girls’ High School S Ahmed, ad, el; L Arnold, bi, ea , gy, gt; A Bailey, gt, hi, py*, rs; K Beresford, ct, hi, rs; A Blackwell, gy*, gt, mu, py; Z Bransfield, abu*, ea, py; L Bray, gy, ma, py*; E Brook, ea*, gy*, gt*, el**; S Brown, bi, ch, hi*; K Bullough, abu, gt, hi, py; R Burns, el*, ma**, py*; L Butler, ea, el, py; H Cairns, ea**, gy*, py*; R Casper, bi*, ea*, py**; F Chapman, bi, gt, hi, rs; M Chodakowski, ea*, gy, el*; N Choudhry, bi, ch, ma; I Clare, hi**, gp*, rs*; A Compton, ad**, bi, gy; H Coombes, ch*, fm*, ma**, ph*; J Couling, hi, el, rs; T Crabtree, ad, gy, py; O Cunliffe, gy*, gt, el, pe**; M Darwin, ad*, ea, el; I Deakin, bi**, ch*, er, py*; H Elliott, ea, fr, el; I Ellwood, ea*, fr, gt*, el; M Fairhurst, ad**, ea*, el; K Falkner, ea*, hi*, el*, gp*; E Fawcett, gy, pe, py; L Fawcett, gy*, el**, py*; V Firth, ea, el*, rs; S Ford, fm*, el*, ma**, ph**; E Fullalove, bi, pe; A Gannon, bi, abu, pe; M Gates, ad, abu, py; R Gaunt, ad**, bi, py; J Geldard, gy, ma, ph; L Gledhill-Flynn, fr*, hi**, el**; E Goldsbrough, bi**, ch*, ma*, ph*; N Green, bi**, ch, ph; L Harper, hi, gp*, rs; J Hill, gy*, hi**, rs*; G Holland, ea, hi, pe*; C Holliday, bi, gy, py; R Hundia, bi*, ch*, ma*; M Hyde, bi, fm*, ma**, ph*; S Iveson, ea*, gy, el*; L James, ad, gy; N Johnson, gn, hi**, el*, mu*; H Jowitt, abu, ea, gy; E Karsli, bi, abu*, py; A Kennedy, ea*, gy*, gt, hi**; H Khizar, bi, ch, ma; J Kinsey, bi, gy, py; A Langtree, er, ma, ph, py; C Lloyd, bi*, ch*, ma*; S Lorimer, ch**, ma**, ph*; M McCabe, bi**, ch*, py*; C McKane, bi, hi, ph; L McMahon, bi, ch, ma; R Mirchandani-Cooper, hi**, gp*, rs; B Morgan-Davis, ad*, gy, el**; C Morrison, ch*, fr, hi**; H Nolan, abu, ea, py; R Nolan, hi*, el*, gp*; F Olsson, bi*, gy**, ma*; H Paul, ad, abu*, ma; E Pearson, bi**, ch*, ma*; E Phillips, ad**, fr*, hi*, el*; M Plummer, bi, gn, mu, py*; L Pollard, bi, ch, gy; S Pope, ad**, gy, el; C Pow, ch*, ma**, ph*; R Pritchard, bi**, ch*, ma**; B Pugh, bi*, ch*, ma**; C Reay, ea, gy, py; S Regan, bi, ch, ph; S Ripley, ea, el, py; B Roberts, ea*, hi, el; Z Rollins, ad, ea, gp; R Sangster, ea, gy, gt*; S Sayedi, bi, abu*, er, py; I Shepherd, ad*, gy, py; L Short, abu, er, ea, py; B Smith, bi**, ch**, gy*; O Smith, bi, gy, py; R Spensley, bi, gy, py; A Stockdale, fr, gn, py; B Stockdale, bi, ma, ph; K Stoney, bi**, gy**, py*; Z Stott, ad*, ea, gy; N Swinburne, ea, gy, py; A Tanner, ch, gt, el; E Tanner, ma, mu, py; S Tindall, bi, abu*, py; F Vaz, ch**, ma**, ph*; A Waite, bi, abu, ma*; L Wakelam, ad**, ea*, py; E Walkeden, bi*, ch, el*; F Wallbank, gy, ma, ph; J Walne, ad**, ea*, py*; H Webster, bi, ma, py*; S Weller, hi*, el*, gp*; K Whitehead, ea, hi, gp; G Wilkie, bi, ch, er; E Willingham, ea**, hi*, el**; J Wiseman, bi, ch, ma; G Wood, bi*, ch*, ma*; G Wood, el, hi, rs; K Wood, ad, ea, gy*; J Wright, bi**, ch*, fr*; K Wright, ea*, el, ma.

Ermysted’s Grammar School C Allatson, ch*, gt, ma**, fm, ph*; M Anderson, ec, ea, fr; J Arnott, bacc, epq, ch*, gt, ma*, ph; H Badge, epq, ec*, ea*, el, gy; C Balmforth, ea, gy, gn; J Baldwin, bacc, epq*, clg*, cp**, gn**, la*, ma**; H Barclay, ea*, ec*, hi*; J Beetham, el, gy; H Benn, ch, ma*,ph; R Beresford, bacc, epq*, ch*, et**, gt**, gy**, ma*; C Binns, pe, py, rs; S Blakeley, ch*, ma*, pe; N Bohanna, cl*, gp*, hi, rs*; O Borrows, ch*, ec*, ma*, ph**; H Briggs, ch*,el**, hi*; S Brown, bi, ch*, ph; J Buckley, bi, ch, pe; D Burnley, cp, ma**, ph; W Cass, ch, cp, ph; J Chaggar, ch*, ma*, ph*; C Christiansen, ch*, gn*, gt, ma**, fm**, ph*; C Counsell, bacc, epq, ea*, el, rs; J Cowling, epq*, fm**, gt*, ma**, ph**; A Crossley, epq*, el**, gn*, rs**; J Davey, ch*, fm*, gt**, ma**, ph**; M Davidson, ea, gy, pe; J Dawson, ch, ma, ph; A Drake, ec, el, rs; C Dunne, ch, gy*, hi*; H Edwards, ea, pe, py; D Ellison-Bates, ea, el, hi; G England, bi, ch, en; B Fletcher, ch*, ma*, fm*, ph**; H French, bacc, epq, bi, ch*, ea, el, gt; W Gains, bacc, epq, ch, dt*, gy; F Gillies, epq*, el*, hi, rs**; S Goodfellow, ch, gy, ph; A Green, ec*, gt, ma, rs; J Guild, bacc, epq, bi, ch, gt*, hi; C Hague, bacc, epq*, ea**, el**, gn**, gt*, hi*; J Haig, bi*, ec**, ea*; J Hallam, gt, gy, gp; B Hansen, bacc, epq, ch*, gy*, ma*, ph**; T Hardie, bacc, epq, ch*, ec*, gt*, ma; J Harman, bacc, epq*, ea, gt, py, rs; J Hartley, cp, gy, py; J Harvey, gp**, hi*, py; W Healey, bi, ch, ph; J Hirst, bi, ch, gt, gy; E Hobbs, ch, cp, gt, ma; T Holme, gt, gy, ma, pe; J Holt, bi, ch, ph; L Hopley, bacc, epq*, dt**,ea*, gt**, ma*; W Johnson, epq, ea, el*, gy*; G Jowitt, ch*, ec*, fm**, ma**; T Kennedy, bi, ch, gy; J Langtree, ch, gy, ma; D Lawson, bacc, epq, ch*, fm**, ma*, ph*; M Lawson, epq*, cp*, fa*, ma*, ph*;B Leach, dt*, ec, ma; C Loadman, epq, ec**, ma**, ph*; N Lobley, cl, hi, rs*; W Lockyer, bi, ea, pe*; B Lowry, bacc, epq, bi*, gt, gy*, pe*; M Machin, bi*, ch*, gy*, py; J McCartan, ea, el, fr; M McColgan, ea, el, gp*; L McDermott, ec*, gy, hi; G Meehan, bi, ch*, py*; R Mills, ch, cp*, ma; Moon, el**, ea, fr; S Mousdale, bi*, ch**, ma**; W Muirhead, ec*, ma, ph; W Nottidge, bi, ch, ma; L O'Brien, bi, ch, gt, rs; A Palmer, ch*, fm*, ma**, ph*; J Paterson, ch*, gt, ma*, ph*; J Pearson, bi, ch, cp, gt, ph; J Peppiate, ea, mu, py; J Pettinger, el*, gn*, mu*; W Pickles, bi, ch*, ma*, ph; O Preiss, dt*, ec*, ma*, ph; S Qureshi, bi, ch, pe; A Raabe, gn, ma, ph; M Richardson, bi, ch, el; G Riley, ch*, el, gy*; M Roberts, ch*, fm**, ma**, ph*; A Saghir, bi, ch, py; A Sharrad, epq*, bi**, ch**, ma**, ph**; S Shepherd, cp, ma, ph; J Slater, el, pe, hi; J Smith, bi, ch, pe; W Smith, bi, ch, gt,py; M Spiers, bi*, ch*, fa**, gt, ph*; S Stockdale, ea, pe; C Stone, ea, gp, rs; L Sumnall, ch, ec*, gt*, gy*; T Symonds, bacc, epq, ch, el*, fa*, gt, hi; M Talha, bi, ch, ph; J Taylor, bi, ch, hi; C Thomson, bi, ch, gt, gy; R Tozana, ea, gy, hi; D Tucker, epq, ec*, fm*, ma**; S Westcott, epq, bi, gy, hi; C Wheeler, ch, gp, rs; M Whitehead, bacc, epq*, bi**, ch*, gt, ma*, ph*; J Wilkinson, fm, ma, ph; A Williamson, ch, ma, ph; D Wilson, epq, ch*, fm**, ma**, ph*; M Winstanley, bi, ec, gt, gy; J Winterburn, ch, gy*, pe; P Wrixon, ch**, fm*, ma**, ph*.

The Grammar School at Leeds E Abel bi**, ch*, ma**; R Ackerman hi*, ma*, rs**; J Adams ch, dt, ph; K Addlestone bi, py**, rs*; Z Ahmed ec, ma* ph; H Akhtar bi*, ch*, gy**; S Akhtar bi**, ch*, ec; H Anderson gp*, hi*, la*; L Arshad bu*, en*, py**; A Asquith ec*, ma*, ph*; G Baker el, py, rs*; L Beckwith bi*, gy, rs*; F Birley el, py, rs; T Bishop hi**, ma*, rs**; H Blackwell ad, gy, sp; L Blackwell el, ma*, py**; A Bolser en*, gy*, dr; H Booth ch, ec, ma; K Bowers ad, gy, ma; P Boyle-Smith ch**, fm**, ma**, ph**; P Boynova bi**, ch*, ma*; L Brierley fr**, gy**, sp*; L Brosh cl, gp**, hi*; L Brown bi **, ch*, gy*; P-A Bury bi*, ch*, ma**; J Butler tx art**, hi, rs; L Calder el*, fr*, ma*; E Campbell bi, ch, gy**; L Caplan tx art**, ch* gn*; G Carty bi*, en* pe**; B Chand cp*, ec, gp; L Cherry bi**, gy**, gn*; O Christen ec*, fr*, gp**; H Cohen ch*, ec*, gp*; M Collins tx art*, hi, rs*; T Considine bu, en, py; J Cooper en*, hi, rs; H-A Corcoran ad; dt, en; H Cornish ch; en*, fr*; G Craven ec**, fm**, ma**, ph**; H Dalton ec*, fm*, ma**; D Davidson el*, gy**, rs*; O Davis ec*, gy**, rs*; M Deivanayagam bi*, ch*, ma**; E Dracup bi*, hi, ma; S Duffy ec*, fm**, gy**, ma**; M Eade ec*, fm**, gy*, ma**; T Emerton hi, la*, ma**; S Farooq bi, ch*, ma; A Fearnley bi, ec, ma; J Felber bi**, ch*, sp*; S Fellerman dt*, ma*, ph; A Fraser ad, ch, py; J Frazer el, gp, hi; T Fuller cl*, el*, gy**; M Gay ec, gp, hi; R Gerrard ad*, bi, rs*; J Gilman bu, fs, gp; I Goodwin py*, rs, ts; C Grafton ec, gy, rs*; C Grant ec*, el*, hi; M Gregson bi, ch, ma; B Grimshaw bi, ec, gy; D Gross ec*, fm**, ma**; S Hall ad, ec, py*; T Hardless gy*, hi, ma*; G Hartley el**, gy*, rs*; M Haslewood ch*, ma*, ph; K Heer ec, en, rs; R Hinds bi, gy*, gp*; R Hipps el**, fr*, la**; A Hooley bi, en**, el**; J Huitson bu, gy, gp; K Hunter ch, ma*, ph**; J Inns el*, ma*, py**; S Jabeen tx art, ch, en*; F Jackson comp, el*, hi, rs*; C Jarvis la*, ma**, ph*; A Jeavons en, fs, pe; P Jha gn, ma*, ph*; A Johnson fm**, gy**, ma**, ph**; C Johnson ad, gp*, hi*; C Jones ch, gy, rs*; M Jordan dt, ec, gy*; J Kamstra el*, fr*, gy*; S Kay fren*, rel studs**, span*; R Kaye bu, en, gp; A Kaye-Kenyon bi, en*, gy**; K Kelly tx art, en, rs; N Kelsall fm*, la*, ma**, mu, ph; I Kempner fr**, rs**, sp*; A Khan fm**, ma**, ph**, rs**; U Khan bi**, ch*, fr*; L Kilminster bu*; ec*, gp**; S Kinally tx art*, ec*, py**; J Knutson el, gy*, gp**; M Lawrence bi*, ch, rs; G Lestner ec, el*, rs**; E Lethaby ad, pe*, py**; S Levin ec*, el**, gp**; E London bi**, ch**, ph**; S Maber bi, ch, ma*; J Marks bi**, ch**, ma**; E Marshall Smith bi, ch, gy*; C Martin gey**, gp**, hi; T Martin ec*, ma, rs*; W Mason gp*, hi*, ma; C McArdle ec*, fm**, ma**; A McFarlane gp**, hi, rs; J McNichol bi**, el**, fr*; C Mellor bi, ch, gy; T Milner ec*, el, gp*; J Mitchell bu, en, py; E Mitten bi*, gp**, py**, ts*; L Moran bi**, ch**, ma**; E Morgan bu*, gy, py**; B Morley bus, dt, ec; A Obank el**, gy**, hi*; F O'Conor ad**, fm**, ma**, ph**; F Oldfield el, gp, hi; A Parekh ec, ma, rs; S Patel bi*, ch*, py**; T Patmore ec**; gy**; ma**; E Pellow cl*, fm**, ma**, ph*; J Perren bi, gy*, gp**; E Petty en*, py; E Phylaktou bi, py*, sp; N Price gy*, gp*, hi*; A Priestley ad, ec*, hi; O Raha bi**, ch*, fm**, ma**; B Reed bi, ch, ec; G Richert bi, ch*, rs*; J Richert cl, gp, hi; L Richert ec, gp, ma; A Roberts ec*, fm*, ma**, ph*; J Roberts el**, ge*, hi*, rs**; E Robinson fm**, ma**, ph*; S Rogers bi, ec, gy*; S Roney ch*, ma*, ph*; M Rooney ec*, fm**, ma**, ph*; A Sagar bi**, ch*, ma*; N Saha bi*, ch*, ma*; K Sandhu bi, en; A Sapier bi**, ec**, py**; Q Scobie fr*, hi*, ma*; J Scrase bu, en, rs; C Scully gy*, ma*, ph*; B Sethi bi**, ch**, ma**, ph**; Z Sheikh bu, ec, rs; E Sheltawy ad**, bi*, hi**; M Siddiqi bi**, ch*, la*; Z Siraj cp, dt, ma; T Smedley bi*, ch*, ma*; B Smith ec, gy*, ma; H Solts bi**, ma*, py**; J Sorkin bu, gp, py; G Srao bi, ch, dt*; C Stankler fs**, gy**, py**; H Starling ch*, ma*, ph*; A Stevenson ad, bi, py; T Stokes bi, ch, gy; A Stone ec*, gn, ma*; A Street ec*, en**, py**; K Studholme bi, ch, ma; J Sue-Ling ch**, ec*, ma**; L Summers ec*, fr, py**; W Sutherland ec*, fm*, ma**; D Swarbrick bi, ec, el; M Swycher ec*, hi*, rs*; H Tapp bi, ch, py; E Tapper bu, dt, py**; E Tapsfield bi**, ch*, ma*, ph*; H Tatla bi*, ch*, fr*; A Toor bi*, ch*, ma; S Uzair ec, gp, py; A Walker dt, ma, ph; J Walker bi, ch, pe*; K Ward fr*, gy**, ma**; B Wearmouth dt, py; L Weerasinghe el*, hi**, ts*; I Weight ad*, fr, gy*; J White ec, el, hi; D Wiggins en**, el*, fr*; T Wilcox fr*, gey*, gp; C Wilkinson fr*, hi*, ma*; A Wilson ec, gp, ma; C Wood ec, hi; D Woods gn, gp, mu*; D Woon gn, ma*, ph; J Wurr ec*, gp**, hi*; O Young ch, fm**, ma**, ph*; T Ziff hi, py*, rs; * The Ilkley Gazette and Wharfedale & Aireborough Observer has endeavoured to include the A-level results from every school and college in the locality, with the correct grades for every pupil. At the time of going to press we had not received results from Bradford Grammar School.