IN February Wharfedale came to Otley and put a record 41 points past the hosts, but last Saturday Otley went one better and scored 44 points against the Green Machine.

Wharfedale kicked off towards the Chevin and moments later kicked the ball into touch to give Otley the first line-out. Progress was initially steady towards the line until Alex Johnson quickly passed on Callum Irvine’s pass to Sam Taylor, but he was held up just before the line. Support was there quickly, Joe Rowntree getting the ball to Ben Waddington who crashed over after just two minutes.

Wharfedale responded by taking the game into Otley’s half, Joe Fawcett’s break getting them close but then the hosts didn’t let them much further forward. In the end a high tackle in front of the posts gave Ryan Hodgson an opportunity to get three points for the visitors which he took.

Back in the Otley half, Wharfedale slowly moved forward until they reached the 22, Irvine intercepting the ball to race the remaining 80 metres unhindered to score under the posts. Rowntree’s second conversion of the match took his personal tally to over 700 league points.

Undaunted the Green Machine came back, aided in part by Otley conceding penalties. From a line-out in the clubhouse corner, they moved towards the line with Sam Dickinson making it over, Hodgson converting just before the end of the first quarter.

From a line-out in their own half, Otley’s Rhys Green stretching over the opposition to gather the ball, the home side initiated an attack from their 22. Will Derry made the initial metres passing to Eddie Crossland on the half way line. Crossland continued to the line, outpacing Oli Riddiough as he went through to score under the posts. Rowntree added the conversion on 25 minutes.

Having survived another Wharfedale assault, Otley made their way to the half-way line where they got a penalty, kicking for the left-hand corner. The ball was kicked back after the line-out, and a high tackle wide out on Wharfedale’s 10 metre line saw Rowntree extend Otley’s lead.

With a minute left in the half, Wharfedale gained a penalty at their scrum taking the game into Otley’s half. They then encamped themselves close to Otley’s posts, getting five scrum penalties and reducing Otley to 13 men in a six minute period. On the last scrum Wharfedale got the ball across the posts with Josh Prell diving over, Hodgson converting. Half time score 24-17.

Despite being down to 13, Otley were able to regain possession and kept the game in Wharfedale’s half. They inched forward, the move ending with Jacob Holmes scoring in the clubhouse corner, Irvine successfully taking over kicking duties. Players began returning and, pinching a Wharfedale line-out in the visitor’s half, Otley dominated possession for the next five minutes. They were rewarded when Irvine’s late pass went to Taylor, the winger forcing his way through three tackles to score. Irvine’s conversion took the score to 38-17.

Wharfedale came back gaining a penalty which went into the cemetery corner. Their forwards took control edging towards the posts with a series of pick and goes with Dickinson getting his second between the sticks, Hodgson’s conversion inevitable. Wharfedale maintained the pressure for the next ten minutes keeping the game in Otley’s half. A knock-on by Wharfedale gave Otley a scrum five metres out, but the ball quickly came out of the scrum Riddiough pouncing on it to score, Hodgson’s conversion bringing the deficit to within seven again.

A Crossland 50:22 took the game downfield. Otley came close to scoring but in the end settled for an earlier penalty advantage after Wharfedale failed to roll away at the breakdown, Irvine scoring on 72 minutes. With the game coming to a close, Otley were given another penalty when Hodgson failed to release the ball when tackled by Taylor, Irvine’s kick creating the record score. Full time score 44-31.