WHARFEDALE Scouts enjoyed a successful day promoting scouting in the district at Otley Show on Saturday, May 18.

Two hundred and fifty young participants joined in the challenge of scaling a climbing wall. The funds raised from the climbing wall are going towards the refurbishment of the clubhouse at Reva Scouts Water Activity Centre above Hawksworth where scout and guide groups from local districts take part in water activities such as sailing, rafting, kayaking, canoeing, bell boating and paddleboarding.

The event was aimed at raising awareness of inclusivity in scouting and informing potential adult volunteers that they don’t need to be a parent of a young person in scouting or a parent at all, to offer their time to support young people in scouting. Whether it is making tea, or creating crafts, there’s a volunteer spot for everyone at scouts.

To find out more visit wharfedalescouts.org.uk