In the village Little Weighton, there is a local singing group called ‘Voices of Weighton’. With around 35 members, VOW has been running since 2015 and they practice every Thursday at 7pm.

Voices of Weighton have performed many different shows over the last 9 years some including: Mamma Mia, The Decades, Musicals and many more. They are currently working on their own rendition of ‘Six the musical’ with all their songs performed by the 6 queens and extra ones performed by the courts behind them.

The six queens consist of:

  • Jo R as Catherine of Aragon
  • Sarah G as Anne Boleyn
  • Helen V as Jane Seymour
  • Elsa H as Ann of Cleves
  • Lizzie H as Katherine Howard
  • Hannah F as Catherine Parr

The rest of the choir is in ‘The Courts’. They sing pop sings relating to each queen and ‘Henry, Henry, Henry’ from horrible histories after the break to recap. They also each have a speech to inform the audience particular information about the queens or life around that time that is not included in their songs.

VOW is one big happy family and have been since they started nearly 10 years ago. Everyone works really hard learning songs, dance moves, and lines and each person always give their all every time. Their shows are always very entertaining and a good laugh so if you’re every lucky enough to come across one, go have a watch! Sometimes the best things come in little packages.