A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson, now I know this title seems a bit criminal, but it is not what it sounds like. 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' is a book by Holly Jackson, an amazing author who has also written 'Five Survive' and her new release, 'The Reappearance of Rachel Price', which are also great books.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is a young adult mystery novel, released in 2019, and made its debut in the writing world. This book is the first in a series of three, with the two sequels being 'Good Girl, Bad Blood' and 'As Good as Dead', where the series takes a major plot twist. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder follows the story of Pippa, who is a 17-year-old completing a school project that she decides to do on a murder that happened in her town five years ago. With the help of one of the deceased brother's, Ravi, she uncovers the truth of what really happened in Little Kilton all those years ago.

The storytelling and plot of this book keep you hooked as you continue to turn from page to page, unaware of how much you have read because it all flows so beautifully! If I could recommend one book, it would be this one, and if it sounds like your jam, I would definitely consider purchasing it for yourself.

If you have read it, you will be excited to know that it is being made into a TV show starring Emma Myers as Pippa and Zain Iqbal as Ravi. This series was originally just going to be released on BBC sometime in July. But, Netflix announced last week that it will be available to stream on their platform later this year.