THE Say Aphasia charity is promoting Aphasia Awareness month by publishing a series of artworks on its social media each week in June.

Each artwork features words from those who have been impacted by aphasia and speech and language therapists who provide aphasia support.

Aphasia is a communication disability which usually occurs after a stroke or head injury. Some people cannot talk at all, while others have difficulty writing, reading, using numbers or processing words.

Kirsty Maguire, a Speech and Language Therapist who supports the Say Aphasia charity says: “Aphasia is such a complex and multifaceted condition. No two people present in the same way. Its impact is far greater than just words. It disrupts communication which is at the core of our ability to develop and maintain relationships, participate in work and feel a valued member of society”.

The Say Aphasia charity provides supportive drop in groups for people with aphasia across the UK, including Skipton, which people attending from all areas including Ilkley. Details of the groups and further information about aphasia can be found on the charity’s website -