ENVIRONMENTAL campaign group Climate Action Ilkley has met with MP Robbie Moore on behalf of 235 concerned residents and visitors to Ilkley.

The climate group collected signatures on The Grove during COP26 in November to ask local politicians to stop supporting new fossil fuel projects. The campaigners say emissions from coal, gas, and oil are causing climate-related disasters around the world and pose devastating threats to our current way of life. Despite the International Energy Agency saying that all new projects need to cease immediately to prevent catastrophic climate change, those being considered by the government include a large oil field in the Atlantic west of Shetland (Cambo), a new coal mine in Cumbria, and $1bn of UK taxpayers’ money for a gas field in Mozambique.

One of the group’s trustees Mike Daw met with Robbie Moore to deliver the letter. Afterwards he said: “Robbie and I had a frank exchange of views but ultimately I left disappointed that our MP mostly defended these projects despite his professed concern for the climate and environment. The more we emit greenhouse gases, the more likely that we spark dangerous tipping points that could spiral temperatures out of control and potentially cause the breakdown of society. We should be treating this as the emergency it is – not locking ourselves in to still more emissions over the coming decades. The UN Secretary General has said we are in ‘code red’ for humanity. Warnings don’t come clearer than that. Much better that we take the lead from countries such as Denmark and Costa Rica in phasing out fossil fuels rather than making excuses for business as usual.”

Mr Moore said said while there was clearly disagreement on some matters he felt it was a positive and thoughtful discussion.

He said: “Tackling climate change and protecting our environment is one of my top priorities, and one that requires urgent action.

"The UK is leading the world towards net-zero - demonstrated no more clearly at the COP26 Climate Change summit earlier this year in Glasgow. The government’s £12 billion 10-point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution will see a ban on fossil fuel car sales by 2030, a decarbonised power system by 2035, and the removal of diesel trains by 2040. From next year, all newly built homes will require electric vehicle charging points, and the government is even investing in JetZero to develop zero-carbon air travel.

"The UK is doing a huge amount to get to net-zero, but that will not happen overnight. We need to make sure we have the right infrastructure in place to support green alternatives, and a plan to replace any jobs lost. We must have sustainable transition towards greener energy. The government has an ambitious plan in place, and it is one I am proud to support.”