COUNCILLORS are urging decision-makers to listen to local feedback on plans to expand Netherfield Road Car Park in Guiseley.

Proposals from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Leeds City Council would see an increase to car parking provision by 189 additional spaces, extended up to four storeys high at the site. A consultation on the scheme closed this week.

Guiseley and Rawdon’s three city councillors say the situation on the ground has changed significantly since proposals first came forward three years ago, and the council needs to listen carefully to local people’s views.

Councillor Paul Wadsworth said: “Back in 2018 I think the proposal for an expanded car park had some merit as a way of addressing anti-social parking in the streets surrounding the train station. The car park would often fill up quickly and add pressure on the surrounding streets. But I don’t think there is the demand there anymore, in a post-pandemic world, and I can understand why there are concerns about the proposal locally.”

Councillor Graham Latty added:“Before the pandemic the car park was fully used and there was a strong case for providing more parking provision in Guiseley. However, although the reality today is quite different and the need appears reduced, I think it is still unclear what long-term effect the pandemic will have on people’s travel habits and parking needs. The fact still remains that Guiseley has too little parking space. The Council does need to listen to feedback and make the right decision for our area.”

Councillor Paul Alderson said:“These proposals need to be looked at in the context of the situation on the ground now in Guiseley.

"I think there are genuine concerns around the size of extension and its impact on neighbouring properties, the effect it may have on Netherfield Road which already suffers from speeding traffic, and the possibility that charges may be introduced at some later stage. It is vital that the Council listens to local feedback and acts accordingly."