OTLEY'S snowman trail is to go ahead this year to bring smiles in the run up to Christmas as the country continues to battle Covid.

Organiser Cllr Nigel Francis has decided to go ahead with the event after numerous requests and following careful consideration to be sure it wouldn't contribute to spreading the virus.

He said: "The year 2021 has been, yet another, traumatic year which has touched everyone and brought much sadness to many people. With popular events cancelled such as the Victorian Fayre, the Otley Vintage Transport Extravaganza, the Carnival, Otley Show and Christmas Light’s turning on night, to name but a few, this year, as well as last year, is I am sure a year we all want to forget.

After cancelling the O.V.T.E we were hoping that we could at least do one event to put a smile on everyone’s face as Christmas approaches. As Chairman of both the O.V.T.E and the Snowman trail, I held a meeting and talked it over with my family to see if we could still put on the popular Otley Snowman Trail. We did not want to break any rules regarding distancing, too larger ‘bubbles’, or anything which might lead to an increase in cases of this pandemic. I had received many requests to go ahead with the trail and I know my late brother, Gerard, would have wanted us to carry on with it so that at least it would be something for all the people of Otley to see over the Christmas period and enjoy. Therefore, I am pleased to announce that the Fourth Otley Snowman Trail will take place from Friday 26th November 2021 to Saturday 18th December 2021. Booklets may be picked up from various places around the town, which will be announced at a later date, or see the telephone display box in the Market Place, or from under the Buttercross on Friday 26th November or Saturday 27th November 2021 when we will let snowmen, women and children take over the whole town.

"Please take time to see our web-site: www.otleysnowmantrail.weebly.com for an entry form for the competitions or pick up our special Christmas Snowman Trail book, which is free of charge and packed with Christmas items and things to do. Enter now and win a major prize.

"Also, on our website, you can also see previous entries and winners on the picture gallery, from a large 20 foot snowman to small milk bottle snow people. From snow families to a space snowmen. All the Snow people want is for you to all have fun and a Happy and peaceful Christmas and a Joyful New Year.

"It is hoped that by closing date we will have over 100 Town Centre sites displaying Snowmen, Snowwomen and Snow Children to make Otley the Snowperson capital of Yorkshire, and even England.

"If you require more information, please contact, nigelfrancis007@outlook.com or nigel.francis@otleytowncouncil.gov.uk"