LAST Saturday saw a Global Day of Action on the climate where large numbers marched in cities across the world, including in Glasgow, where COP26 is taking place.

Members from local group Climate Action Ilkley were out on The Grove where almost 200 people stopped to sign letters to local politicians urging them to deliver meaningful action on the climate. Trustee Steve Peel said: “We are writing to Robbie Moore MP and our Bradford councillors to ask them not to support new fossil fuel projects. It was great to see Robbie’s piece in the Gazette urging action on climate change but we’re really concerned that – despite the fine words – his government is still supporting massive projects like a massive new oil field in the North Sea and a coal mine in Cumbria. It’s all very well supporting wind turbines and heat pumps but catastrophic heating can only be stopped by ceasing to burn fossil fuels. It was fantastic to experience the support from people in Ilkley – almost everyone was hugely positive. I hope our politicians will listen and put their words into meaningful action.”