A PLAY about pork pies proved a big hit when it was staged at Otley Courthouse.

More than 70 people attended the two performances of Pies for a Penny by the Otley Players on Saturday.

A spokesperson said: "Edible England is the theme for this year’s fortnight of Heritage Open Days and the play was about pork pies, very appropriate for Otley. The food theme was continued throughout the day, with nearly 50 people doing the Courthouse Food Trail round the building and a full session for Vickie Orton’s storytelling and workshop for families. Also full was the ‘Beat Walk’ round the town, following the route taken by police constables in the 1950’s and 60’s."

For those who were unable to visit the Courthouse, films of the Courthouse Food Trail and the storytelling are available from the Courthouse website.

Visit https://otleycourthouse.org.uk/home/heritage-open-day/  to find them.