SHANE Green the ‘Yorkshirecarver’ has just sited a series of ten large-scale wooden chainsaw sculptures on Otley Chevin Danefield Park.

The sculptures make up the Otley Chevin Forest Park Heritage Time Trail, a 3km route for jogging and walking. The route is also accessible by wheelchair.

The sculptures themselves represent an historical time line starting with fossils, cavemen, chariots, a Chippendale chair and elephants, finishing with mountain bikes and climbers representing the modern recreational use of the park.

The estate was gifted to the public for their services in the Second World War by the Fawkes Estate for purely that reason.

Shane has been the head of art at Prince Henry’s Grammar School in Otley for nearly 25 years and in his spare time is a practising artist/chainsaw sculptor, having represented England at competitions on a number if occasions.

Shane has also added a wide variety of art to Otley over the years ranging from the colourful painting ‘Chevin Steps’ in Weatherspoons public house and the two large-scale cycling murals to the impressive ‘Wharfedale Press’ stone sculpture in Wharfemeadows Park.

Other public work of note across Yorkshire is the Tropical World totem in Roundhay, a recent sculpture in Middleton Park and even the first major Leeds United Mural he did one half-term at Tibury Mount,Holbeck, free for the fans of LUFC.

Shane hopes this new sculpture trail will be of interest to people especially during these difficult times and says if it gets families out into the fresh air it can only be a positive thing.