A girl who helped save her mum’s life has won an award for her quick-thinking efforts to guide paramedics to her home.

Hawwa-Jannat Ibrahim was just eight when she sprang into action after her mum Sofia Bi collapsed with sepsis.

The young girl, helped by her seven-year-old brother Yahya, dialled 999 and guided paramedics to their home in Dudley Hill.

She was later told by nurses that she had saved her mum’s life.

Hawwa, now nine, was presented with a certificate and medal at the Community Stars event.

She won the Young Active Citizens Award for children aged between eight and 16.

Sofia said: “It was amazing. I did not even think she would win. She was absolutely thrilled.

“When they announced it her face just dropped - she couldn’t believe it.” 

“She was really excited. It got to about 10 o’clock and then she wanted to go and celebrate with her grandparents.”

Hawwa’s school, Bradford Academy, held a special assembly to show the award to everyone and to talk about what she had done.

Sofia said her daughter had been surprised to find out that she had been nominated for the award.

“We were both very surprised," she said.

"She didn’t think it was such a big deal, what she’d done. When I told her, she was like well I saved your life - is that not what you’re supposed to do when someone is poorly?”

But Sofia is very proud of her daughter and son for the way they reacted after she passed out.

“They tried to use my phone and they couldn’t access anything. So they got onto the landline and dialled 999 and told them what had happened. Because our house is a bit hard to find, it’s a one way street, they directed the paramedics here. They told them my date of birth and my name. They told them I had had sepsis before and that they were scared.”

She said Hawwa stayed on the line and when the paramedics arrived she burst into tears because she thought her mum was going to die.

“If they had not called the paramedics that day I would have died, because there were only the three of us at home at the time,” she said. 

She added: “When she came to visit me in the hospital next day she was ecstatic. She didn’t know whether she was crying or laughing, she couldn’t contain herself.
“Even the nurses said to her, ‘Because of you your mum’s alive’.”

Hawwa’s experience has influenced her thoughts about a future career.

“She wants to be a paramedic,” Sofia said. “Ever since this happened she says she wants to be a paramedic and save people’s lives.”

Hawwa loves to help everyone, according to the person who nominated her.

The youngster is part of the worship committee at her school and is also a member of a children’s charity at school and helps to fundraise.

The other nominees for the award were Archie’s Farm-Venturists from Rycroft Primary School, and Environmental Support Team-EST, Venturists at Newby 2023, based at Newby Primary School, West Bowling.

Community Stars Awards winners

You can find out about this year's winners by clicking each award category below.