Thought for the Week

by the Rev Pat Reid, Associate Minister, All Saints Church, Ilkley

ARE we good at reading signs? Drivers need to be sure that they recognise road signs, responding as appropriate. Country folk speak of signs in nature: “a red sky at night is a shepherd’s delight”, forecasting a good day ahead, whereas, “a red sky in the morning is a shepherd’s warning” suggesting poor weather to come. We note the kick under the table from a partner, or a nudge, as a warning sign that what we are saying, or about to say, is likely to cause upset. Sometimes we are less good at reading the signs – perhaps a frosty look from your wife goes unheeded as you relax with your feet up, reading your paper or looking at your iPad while she is busy with housework. This week we had the official first day of Spring. The signs of Spring are all around, in daffodils and primulas, in trees beginning to show green, in the camellia buds breaking into bloom. The signs are many, and all bring cheer as we look to warmer days ahead. Spring is a season of hope and growth and new life.

With Spring comes Easter, and our shops celebrate this by abundant supplies of chocolate eggs, and cards with bunnies on. But in and among there are a few cards speaking of the real meaning of Easter; crosses appear on the Chevin or at the top of Brook Street – initially bare, then decorated with flowers on Easter Day. On that first Easter Day, after the dark and despair of Friday when Jesus was crucified, there were signs to be read. The tomb was found to be empty and the body of Jesus missing – what did the disciples read into that? Then Jesus appeared to the disciples, but Thomas who wasn’t present didn’t believe them – he needed proof – he needed a sign - he needed to see the scars in Jesus hands where the nails had been driven. So Jesus appeared to him and the signs were there as evidence for Thomas.

Easter is a time of great joy and celebration in our churches. There are Easter egg hunts for the children, there are flowers in abundance, there is joy and singing and celebration of all the wonderful signs that we have of a God who loves and cares for every one of us. Easter is a time for rejoicing. Happy Easter!