I AM bemused by Greg Mulholland’s stance on the Civic Centre. He constantly delves into the history of the attempts to refurbish it and is obsessed by a desire to return Otley Town Council to the centre.

At the same time he fully supports the proposal by Jamie Hudson to turn the building into a multimedia centre.

The history is of little interest; what is important, is where the centre goes from here.

A return to the centre by Otley Town council would be a retrograde step.

The Core is more accessible both in terms of it’s position in the centre of town for all people and in physical layout for disabled people.

There is a debate to be had over the future of the Civic Centre. Mr Mulholland supports Mr Hudson’s plan. Fine. Others are not so sure for a number of reasons.

So let’s have that debate, not a constant harping on about the past and supporting the backward step of returning Otley Town Council to the Centre.

Ian Sissling

East Busk Lane, Otley