As the Archdeacon of Bradford I have been involved with discussions about development of the church land in Guiseley from the beginning. For years, the Diocese has used all of this large parcel of land for the benefit of the community - as the school playing fields and an area for the scouts and guides. The Diocese is fully committed to these groups and wishes to see them thrive. When the plan to develop this parcel of land was agreed objections were raised that this would squeeze the land left to the scouts and guides. The Diocese listened and now is drawing up a new arrangement to allocate extra land to the scouts and guides.

This new proposal has been presented to the Scouts, the Guides and the Church Council. I understand that the Church Council and Guides have no objection. I am on record that I thought the scouts also have no objection - but that is not the case. I have just seen their comments and they raise a concern about the noise their activities generate. I think this difficulty will be occasional and should be manageable.

The development of this small part of the land will provide needed accommodation in a way sympathetic to the location and it will generate funds which will be invested in keeping the church serving the communities of West Yorkshire.

Ven Dr. David Lee

Archdeacon of Bradford